Shopping Mall Reduces Costs with DriPak® NX and DriPak® SX Filters

  • Shopping center complex with over 150 stores, more than 30 restaurants, as well as several offices and companies
  • Approximately 1600 filters per changeout with two changeouts per year


The challenge with this customer was the vast amount of filters, approximately 1600 pieces, per changeout with two changeouts per year. With this large amount of filters, the shopping complex needed easy-to-handle packaging due to the service personnel handling cartons in tight areas of machine rooms, as well as transporting filters by hand via the shopping corridors. Due to space restrictions, a maximum of two pieces per carton was required.

Although cooperation with the customer was good and customer demands could be fulfilled as required, AAF experts offered an optimised solution based on two major cost drivers: energy and recycling.

The cost per piece of the filters currently installed was rather low. At first glance this seemed good. However, taking energy costs into account proved that lower priced filters were underperforming. With the amount of filters, along with the frequent changeouts, this underperformance was affecting their total operating costs.

The alternative filters proposed would yield this customer both energy and recycling cost savings. Therefore, AAF experts recommended installing the DriPak NX and the DriPak SX filters. Both products consume less energy compared to the competitor’s filters, and are equipped with a PU-header suitable for burning in power plants.

There is no doubt that the energy savings from these filter changeouts will be enormous, as annual energy consumption per filter is much lower now compared to the formerly installed filters. In addition, waste management for the customer is now much easier due to the new filters’ ability to be disposed of as a complete unit. The total in cost savings will be realized after one year of operation.

To date, the installed filter setup is proving to be a reliable option with no issues. The customer is completely satisfied, has no additional filtration requirements, and is pleased with the current air quality.

  • Shopping center complex with over 150 stores, more than 30 restaurants, as well as several offices and companies
  • Approximately 1600 filters per changeout with two changeouts per year


The challenge with this customer was the vast amount of filters, approximately 1600 pieces, per changeout with two changeouts per year. With this large amount of filters, the shopping complex needed easy-to-handle packaging due to the service personnel handling cartons in tight areas of machine rooms, as well as transporting filters by hand via the shopping corridors. Due to space restrictions, a maximum of two pieces per carton was required.

Although cooperation with the customer was good and customer demands could be fulfilled as required, AAF experts offered an optimised solution based on two major cost drivers: energy and recycling.

The cost per piece of the filters currently installed was rather low. At first glance this seemed good. However, taking energy costs into account proved that lower priced filters were underperforming. With the amount of filters, along with the frequent changeouts, this underperformance was affecting their total operating costs.

The alternative filters proposed would yield this customer both energy and recycling cost savings. Therefore, AAF experts recommended installing the DriPak NX and the DriPak SX filters. Both products consume less energy compared to the competitor’s filters, and are equipped with a PU-header suitable for burning in power plants.

There is no doubt that the energy savings from these filter changeouts will be enormous, as annual energy consumption per filter is much lower now compared to the formerly installed filters. In addition, waste management for the customer is now much easier due to the new filters’ ability to be disposed of as a complete unit. The total in cost savings will be realized after one year of operation.

To date, the installed filter setup is proving to be a reliable option with no issues. The customer is completely satisfied, has no additional filtration requirements, and is pleased with the current air quality.

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